
The Role of Aesthetics in Choosing a Roofing Material

Polylite Industrial Corporation

We generally like to look at pretty things. This explains why aesthetics, aside from a functional perspective, greatly affects our decision-making processes. This is particularly shown in choosing a roofing material, which is displayed for long periods of time. The choice of building materials depends on several factors such as budget, long-term value, durability, the ability of the material to resist intensity of external elements, maintenance, and usability.


A deeper dive into the aesthetics reveals that it does not only refer to what is visually appealing to you, although the majority of this concept lies on your personal choice. This is because there are other apparent senses that aesthetics target, not only visual beauty. There are certain considerations to look into such as:


1. Shape 

Roofs for different applications vary. Choose a versatile material that looks aesthetically appealing, and can also be applied on flat roofs for carports and balconies, curved roofing applications, etc. 

2. Color

Color significantly changes the look of the exterior, which is why it is important to choose a color that can match the existing structure or complement it. Remember to also choose the color in relation to the concept of light and heat since the level of transparency may have an effect. 

3. Trends

Trends, driven by taste and style, change whether as a way to adapt to a new era, to improve the way of living, or to look good. Use the knowledge of current roofing trends in architecture to know which material is better for your application. For example, polycarbonate sheets are used these days as transparent roofing since it can save electricity by limiting the use of lights in the morning.

4. Cultural

 Cultural and geographical conditions of the area help you decide which roofing material is suitable for respective climates, building codes, and other local restrictions. Some prefer traditional materials and community support as their utmost priority to feel a sense of belongingness to the community and familiarity to the material.

5. Balance

Tying all concepts of shapes, symmetry, color, texture, and other elements that contribute to the overall aesthetic makes up for a refined and functional space.


These aesthetical considerations should not, however, limit your choices with the availability of materials today. Indeed, aesthetics is important. However, remember that the condition of your roof is significant in the aesthetic of your home because it determines how it will perform in the long run. External elements can ruin the aesthetic performance of your roof so it is better to look for a material that combines look and functionality. For example, long exposure to UV light can make the roof look tired and forlorn, so you have to check if the material can withstand varying temperatures. 


In the Philippines, skylight roofing has been particularly popular in the past years because of its functionality and aesthetics. It has an elegant appearance that makes your space look more open and bright. Polycarbonate is a strong and durable material that perfectly matches style and resilience. It is 250 times stronger than glass, and is available in different types (solid, twin wall polycarbonate, corrugated, embossed and corrugated) depending on your application.  If you want to buy polycarbonate sheets or look for a polycarbonate sheet supplier in the Philippines, contact us

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