

Polycarbonate Sheets


Polycarbonate Twin Wall Sheet

Polycarbonate Twin Wall Sheet



Twin Wall polycarbonate sheets are double-layered panels that have hollow spaces in between to neutralize and maintain the stable state of temperature in a room. It is lightweight for easier application, but sturdy enough to endure heavy impact. It is an economical solution to energy efficiency, because it reduces the heat so you can expect a cooler interior even during summers.Polylite offers one of the most competitive prices in the Philippine market with Twin Wall polycarbonate sheets.

Perfect for infrastructures that require natural light, ACEWELL solid polycarbonate sheets offer unparalleled clarity and transparency for long-lasting architectural solutions that need little to no maintenance.

Buy polycarbonate sheets from Polylite for guaranteed quality. ACEWELL polycarbonate is the top choice, thanks to its durability, versatility, and longevity.

Use this product for
Skylight Roofing
Outdoor Canopies

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