
Skylight Roofing in Retail Malls

Polylite Industrial Corporation

Modern times call for modern design challenges that integrate the indoor and outdoor into one. The rise of urban settlements are paired with the rise of the retail malls and commercial centers that not only focus on shopping features, but also in creating a warm and appealing environment to make it stand out from the rest. 

This is where skylight roofing comes in. Ideally, skylight roofs maximize the potential use of daylight not only aesthetically, but also economically and environmentally. You can see the use of skylight roofs in small businesses like coffee shops or libraries, because it provides good ambiance, and adds visual appeal. It can also increase the property’s value. Economically speaking, the less use of artificial lighting can significantly decrease energy consumption and therefore lowers the price of electricity.  Environmentally speaking, daylight efficiently decreases carbon footprint, helping the environment in the long run. Visually speaking, shoppers can effectively build a connection with the exterior surroundings, elevating the space’s shopping experience.


Challenges of Skylight Roofing

While skylight roofs offer multiple benefits to business owners, it can also pose threats if the installation and placement of the material is not strategically done. Too large of a space allotted to skylight roofs of daylight lighting can increase the temperature inside of the structure, which means that the air conditioning systems may have to work harder, using more energy, and would greatly affect energy consumption. Too much daylight can also cause discomfort to the eyes and may give the shoppers an unpleasant experience instead. To counterattack these risks, there are several architectural strategies that may be implemented. One, a shaded, less transparent material or color may be used to lessen the glare that the shoppers may experience, improve energy performance, and use less energy. Second, the areas with skylight roofing are strategically placed in areas where the extreme daylight at specific hours will not hit. Other architects may also opt to place these skylights to a place where a building may block the sunlight directly, therefore having the benefits of daylight, without the negative effects of too much light. 


There are multiple materials that can be used for skylight roofing like fiberglass, acrylic, and glass, but the most popular material to use as a skylight roof in the Philippines is Polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is a durable material that has a UV protection feature that makes it a convenient choice for a stylish and functional roof. With various profiles like twin wall polycarbonate, solid sheet, and corrugated polycarbonate available, you can differentiate the pros and cons of each sheet to use for your application. 


Buy polycarbonate sheets from a trusted polycarbonate sheet supplier in the Philippines like Polylite. You can check more of our products and services by visiting our website, or messaging us. You can also follow us on our social media pages:

Facebook: Polylite Industrial Corp.

Instagram: @polylite_ph

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