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Using Acrylic Sheets and Aluminum Composite Panels in Arts

Polylite Industrial Corporation

People venture into different creative pursuits in the hopes of breaking a cycle, expressing oneself, seeking solace, or finding a community. The use of acrylic and ACP in art showcases the materials’ strength and versatility when used in other forms aside from its usual uses that you can find for sale in the market (sneeze guard, acrylic table top, ACP colored panels, etc).


Acrylic mixing palette has smooth, finished edges that would keep you from any injury during usage. Unlike other mixing palette materials where paint can be hard to remove once thickened and dried up, you can wipe off the unused paint and use a paint scraper to clean it in less than a minute. Moreover, the acrylic has a perfectly smooth surface to mix paint easily. Acrylic sheets are also known for being rigid and impact resistant. You do not need to worry about it breaking into small shards when dropped accidentally. It is lightweight, and has a slot for your finger to handle it well. It is not easily worn out, even when used several times. Because of these reasons, the cost ends up being negligible in the long run.


Aluminum composite panels are commonly known as wall cladding and installations for indoor and outdoor buildings. It has a vibrant and smooth surface, which is why many painters have also tried to use ACP as their medium. It has a low response to environmental changes, whether humidity or temperature. Warping and twisting, which reduces the possibility of dried paint cracks, is the least of your concern. It is easy to use, and does not need high requirements to maintain its modern and vibrant color.


The pandemic has changed our lives 2 years ago and probably in the coming years, but we have learned to adapt by developing new skills and learning new hobbies. The use of aluminum composite panels and acrylic sheets and modifying them into something useful for art shows its versatility and ease of use, without a hefty price tag. The good thing is, you do not need to buy acrylic sheets or aluminum composite panels and DIY, risking an injury in the process. You can shop these products on the following links:


ACP: https://tinyurl.com/mryw929c

Acrylic Palette: https://tinyurl.com/yckzv82u


Acrylic mixing palette is available in two sizes, while ACP is available in 12”x16” size, in random colors. If you have questions or concerns about the size or requirement for your project, message us and our sales representatives will be happy to assist you. 

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