
A Year in Review

Polylite Industrial Corporation

2021 has been a challenging year, for you, for us, and the country. Caught in between the pandemic, a national recession, and extreme weather events, each of us developed our own ways in adapting to these changes.


Leaving behind 2020 with a positive and hopeful note, Polylite continuously studied the market, along with the new trends in interior and exterior applications. This year, we introduced 2 new products to the market, namely Acrybest Acrylic Sheets and Alutech Aluminum Composite Panels. Moreover, Polylite has opened several branches nationwide, located in Calasiao, Cabanatuan, Pasig, Sta Cruz Manila, Marilao, and San Jose del Monte Bulacan. The new locations are results of our goal to reach more of our stakeholders and be a reliable supplier of roofing materials.


At work, we’ve made adjustments throughout the year. We focused on improving customer satisfaction and the system in ensuring quality products so our stakeholders can continue to rely on us as one of the leading suppliers in the Philippines of advanced building materials for roofing and architectural needs, such as polycarbonate sheets, fiberglass skylight, acrylic sheets, and aluminum composite panels.  


The pandemic made us realize the impact of digital connections, and it’s no surprise that many of our clients’ search for efficient ways to connect digitally. We continuously improve connecting with our clients through social media accounts and improving our communication channels. As a company, our goal is to improve customer communications during these uncertain times, make our products easily accessible to the people, and increase employee engagement.


We look forward to a year ahead, with big plans centered on quality products and your convenience. Watch out for more informational content, more branches to accommodate your needs, and new products to keep an eye on. Yes, 2021 has been a challenging year. But due to the continuous support of the community and the hard work of each employee, Polylite continued to grow.


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Facebook: Polylite Industrial Corp.

Instagram: polylite_ph

Pinterest: polylite_ph 


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