
3 Threats to your Polycarbonate Roof

Polylite Industrial Corporation

The true test of the strength and durability of polycarbonate roofs is not before its installation during its handling and storage, but when it is being used, being constantly exposed to elements that may lead to either repair or replacement. When you know these dangers, you can understand how it works and learn how to be more proactive, preventing further damage to the roof. 


  • Weather Disturbances

Skylight roofs in the Philippines may not experience other extreme weather conditions like snow and hail, but the tropical sun and storms may not be forgiving to your roof either. Being constantly exposed to storms can weaken the roof and can even tear the roof in other extreme cases. Strong winds can cause the roof to crack or be blown away, which is why it is important to inspect the roof after a strong storm passes.  Extreme heat damage is another story. While strong storms and winds can cause damage swiftly, UV radiation and heat damage can cause slow and steady damage like sheet discoloration and brittleness. In polycarbonate sheets, you can observe yellowing and visible cracks, which tells you that you may need to replace your roof. 


  • Tree Branches and Animals

While polycarbonate sheets have strong impact resistance, they are not safe from large falling branches that can cause cracks onto the roof’s surface.  Accumulation of leaves can cause unwanted moisture, therefore beginning molds and algae, which might be hard to clean if prolonged. Other than falling branches and leaves, trees are usually the animals’ pathway to the roof, which can cause damage altogether. Polycarbonate is prone to scratches brought by animal claws and paws which may ruin the overall appearance of any transparent roofing sheets. To prevent this from happening, ensure that the roof has appropriate roof support.  


  • People

While the material of the roof is important to its durability, your responsibility as a roof owner also matters. This means that you should consider proper installation, maintenance and inspections as necessary things that increase the roof’s longevity and keep the problems at bay . It also entails that you know the material well and consider when it is best used or where it can be placed properly, and when it is necessary to repair to avoid costly expenses. Always remember to protect the roof that protects you!


Always remember that you cannot prevent all these from damaging your roof. After all, it is susceptible to these possible damages, and your responsibility is to keep looking for the right roofing material that fits your application, and to keep looking after your roof. 


Duralon is a trusted brand of polycarbonate available in all Polylite stores nationwide. To buy polycarbonate sheets or to find aluminum composite panels for sale in Manila, send us a message on our email, sales@polylite.com.ph or reach out to us on our social media platforms, 

Facebook: Polylite Industrial Corp.

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